Tips to Getting Great Financial Advice from Psychics
If you’re looking for financial advice, fortune telling online may not be the first thing to come to mind. Even for believers, it can be a hard idea to process. Leaving your financial future in the hands of some online medium? Seems a little crazy, huh? I’m here to put an end to those skeptic thoughts.
While it’s true that you should have more of a plan than ask a psychic medium, we can help you see the paths laid out before you, allowing you to choose the one with the best possible outcome.
I’ve personally taken advice from my cards before, and they have never led me wrong. I’ve also done many readings for others in regards to financial advice, and they’ve all had pretty high success rates.
So what goes into getting good advice from the cards? In my experience, there are three things that go into getting great financial advice from both the cards and your medium.
Focusing on one thing at a time and asking the cards (not your psychic) clear, concise questions will lead to the best advice. Remember that you should not taint the cards by asking the psychic directly. Keep your queries in your mind. If you’re wanting to compare one business venture to another, focus on one first, then ask for a second reading for the next. Compare the outcome of the cards. Try not to think “what will happen if I do this rather than this”, be present and positive about each.
What do the cards mean to you? Do the cards make you uncomfortable or happy? Is there a negative aspect of a seemingly good card that you might be overlooking because you have a personal affinity for that option over another? Ask your psychic to use cards in reverse as well in order to get a more accurate reading.
Ask what the cards mean. If you’re having trouble seeing what the cards mean in your situation, feel free to open up with the psychic you’re using. Just make sure that you’ve finished asking questions from the cards, and all are flipped up. It’s important to make sure that you don’t influence your psychic before she reveals your cards to you. I can’t express how many times I’ve had to redo readings because someone has blurted out their question before I did the reading. Cards take in the energy around them and reveal potentialities. You want a reading based on your thoughts and feelings, not on ours.
It may seem like such simple advice, but using those few tips will greatly improve the accuracy of your readings.
I love reading cards, and I love helping out with big life decisions. When I give money advice, I’m always very upfront with my clients. You shouldn’t come to the cards empty handed with no idea of what you want. Asking vague questions like “what should I do” won’t give you a clearer idea of tomorrow. Come with options. Come with questions. Cards love possibilities.
If you think you have nothing, you’re not thinking big enough. Ask if the career you’re in will lead you to the kind of money you want, ask if you should take that weekend trip to Vegas, ask if you’ll win big if you play the lotto regularly.
Other great types of questions to ask are questions like, “what should I do to get on the path that will lead me to money”, and “will I be happy if I pursue this path”.
I hope that this has been helpful, not only in convincing you that you should seek out tarot readers and psychics to help aid you in your financial conquests but also in knowing the types of questions you should ask.
Good luck on your journey!